Second guessing, Raisa? - Tarot

Second guessing, Raisa? - Tarot

We were broken up in a way but he returned stronger than before, I want to know what does he feel for me now, do you see this as true feelings from his part? I feel so sad because I feel I should just run away from him and that he is better without me...

Hey dear Raisa. Thank you for sending me your question, I'm delighted to help you. So, Raisa, before I read the tarot cards, I'd like to tell you that you're indeed a good person. It's unusual to see someone caring for the others like you do, I mean you're more concerned about what he could be without you than with the relationship itself. Be careful with that, if you're togheter than it's probably because it is the best for both of you and because you love each other, right? Don't be so afraid.
Ok dear, so you want to know how he feels about you. The cards that answer your question are in general very positive. They absolutely mean love, afection, true feelings. On the other hand, I get the feeling that you may feel rejected sometimes, because he seems to be the kind of person who enjoys going out and having fun with friends or family and you don't feel confortable enough to go with him. Just don't be sad about that. It's normal, and what he feels for you is way bigger than that. So just be happy and stop wondering so much.


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