General reading - Tarot

General reading - Tarot

Hi this is santhia, can you do a reading for me on anything. If you want specific question then one would be about edward, i hadn't seen him for a long time,whats going on? And last one is about the house me and family are going to in, i want to know if its a bad area? Thank you,

Hey Santhia.Thanks for your e-mail and I'm sorry if it took some time to reply your question, but well you know, I have some people who are still waiting and so I have to go through the list and be fair to everyone. I did a general tarot reading for you and I really hope it helps in someway.
So the first thing is that you're going through a moment in your life when you need to balance things up. You're taking a rest from life, let's say, and at the same time showing everyone that you know «how it's done». An opportunity came to your famiily and that may have caused you to take a time to think a bit deeper about some stuff. You may have done an exam or a test and it probably didn't go that well as you were hoping for. You need to take it easy with your mother, because she's going through a lot of stress and pressuring you a bit. I believe there was a delay in your financial life, but things got better now, and you're reaching a better situation. A man seems to have travelled because he changed carrer or job (maybe your father or even Edward). There's a fake woman in your life and you had a fight with her, you started being rational finally. About the future, it seems good to me. You may start a relationship, just be carefull not to be stuck to that one person. Keep your individuality, and don't run away from those who love you. It's going to be a good thing for you to move to another house.
So, lot's of love and be happy,


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