Is it love? - Tarot

Is it love? - Tarot

I'm in love with a Filipino guy called Joseph. We have made love twice. I want to know if he truly loves me or is he just using me? I would also like to know what our future together is? Please could you help me with this? I feel like my heart is breaking. I can't just ask the man. Thank you,

Hi Zoe. Thank you for sending me your question and I'm sorry if it took too much for me to answer, but as you may have noticed there are some people who are still waiting and I need to be fair to everyone. So, let's not waste another second and just go straight to your reading. It seems to me that there are a lot of feelings involved. Both you and him feel in love, but confused and are having doubts. You are a very stressed person and you often get mad as he is a very intelligent person. He's always trying to find the cause and connecting the dots. You have a karma togheter. You really need to stop letting stress get into you, because it is somehow being a huge obstacle in your relationship. Things are changing for you and him, but be aware that some still just the way they are. Stop thinking that it's over and being so distrustful. You fear being underestimated and left sad, so you don't really give to others. Well, just because he's in a good financial position, that doesn't mean you're worse than him. You're just as good and you deserve to be happy, and you will. There's a future for you and him and it is going to be really joyful. So, just go for it.


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