What happened to us?

What happened to us?

What happened to us? Is he the one for her?

Hello, dear Andrew. Right now my followers might be reading this and wondering what's going on with me to be writting in English. And you've probably tried to understand a word of what I've wrote before in this blog. Well, anyways, I hope everyone can understand this post but especially you, Andrew. I apologize if there's any grammar mistake, but hey, I'm Portuguese.
So... Moving on to your question! I understand that there is someone else between you and your beloved one. Actually, what happened to you two is prety simple. The tarot cards show me that you still love to the core, but that she's changed. I don't see you fighting and I don't believe you broke up because you couldn't take the fray or whatever. I believe you broke up because you've fallen into routine, and the other guy came in a moment when she was desperately needing some action. The passion and the fire between you and her died and she needed it. You probably feel like crap now, but I want you to understand that when something happens, there's a reason underneath that and you might not understand it now, but you need to trust the universe and reckon that whatever is going on is the right thing for you. Now you may be feeling low and depressed but one day you'll take a look at the past and you'll understand why you needed to go through all this, and you'll probably laught at the tears you're crying now. Looking on the future, I can assure you that someone is going to approach you and through that one individual you'll ear stuff about her. Just let it go in one ear and out the other. It's not good for you to keep thinking about her or hearing of her. She's gone. Just let her live her life with the guy she chose and live yours the best way you can, because you can still be happy. There are over 3 billion women in the world, so I'm sure that there's is, somewhere, someone for you. You remind me of Jacob from New Moon (I actually saw that movie!). He knows that Bella's heart is in Edward's hands and still he doesn't give up wanting her, needing her, loving her... Seriously, you don't want to be Jacob. Do you want to suffer? I'm sure you don't so, please, give up the feeling. Even though it might be tough, it's the best way out.
Is he the one for her? Well, does it even matter? I mean, she chose him so it's her problem. Don't bother thinking about that. I know you still care for her and want her to be happy. If she chose him that's probably because she feels he makes her happy. Otherwise she wouldn't be with the man. If you're asking me if they're soulmates or something like that, well, they aren't, but they get along well, and I don't believe the end for them is near, nohow.
Just let it go. It's the right thing to do and the best for you.


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